Monday, December 3, 2007

New Blog!

As many photographers do, I am entering the blogging world. It's a great way to instantly show work as well as communicate what is going on with my life. I have my first law school final tomorrow, and it's crunch time! My study break tonight was to make this blog up real quick. I spent the weekend working on some pictures (much like every weekend!) and studying in between.

I currently have two projects in the works. I'm making a book of South Dakota landscape pictures. I'm trying to work on each season. So once we've got some pretty snow, I'll be out and about taking some pictures. I also have started a book with pictures of various dogs . I'm a HUGE dog lover, so I love to photograph them. I'll post some pictures as I go. If you have a dog that you'd like photographed, I do them for free! It doesn't matter if you think you're dog is cute or not, although..don't we all think our dogs are cute?!? I'll leave this post with one of the pictures I worked on this weekend. This beautiful bride is Annie. I worked with her this fall and let me tell you, she has the cutest daughter EVER! I have also included some pictures of various landscapes I've taken over the past couple months. Enjoy!



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