Playing with Light!
I realized last week, I haven’t been using my wonderful camera nearly enough. So, I decided I needed to take some pictures. Spencer wouldn’t sit still to be my subject, so I had to go with something that doesn’t move. I had just picked up my wedding band that day as well as received my shoes in the mail. I decided they would just have to do for the day. Here are a couple of images I took. I am trying to get better at playing with light. It’s the most important thing with pictures, and it’s the hardest thing for me to master. I am taking some headshots for a fellow law school student tomorrow, and I might also take some pictures for a friend of my mine. (She has a young son that is just so cute). I’ve been meaning to take pictures for her, but the communication has been off between the two of us. So, enjoy these pictures, and I’ll probably post some more in the next couple days :)