Monday, June 9, 2008

Play Date

Hi Everyone,

As many of you know, my least favorite part of photography is charging people. I hate to deal with money and all the problems it brings with it. So, why don't I just not charge people? Sounds like a great idea. So, until I get tired of it, I'm going to offer what I like to call "Play Sessions" to you all for FREE! These "Play Sessions" allow me to try new things without the added pressure of charging clients. So, if you'd like family, engagement, senior, intimate/boudoir pictures taken of you for free, just contact me via e-mail ( or facebook me.

These "Play Sessions" have a few restrictions though.

1) Weddings are not included. Weddings take much more time and personalized attention than other sessions. Plus, why would you want to "play" around with pictures of your special day?

2) I get to pick how many and which pictures to touch up. I will give you a CD with all the high resolution pictures (not touched-up) regardless, but if I decide to touch some up, I'll e-mail them on to you in case you want to print them. All these sessions will also come with a copyright release so you can print which ever pictures however many times you please.

3) No time limits. I may shoot you for an hour or I might keep you all day (if you'd like that is). Also, there are no guarantees on how long your CD will take or how long the touch-ups will take. Generally, online proofing is available within a week, but no guarantees with these "Play Sessions."

4) Since these sessions are for play, the poses/locations will be all my choice. You can choose your wardrobe, but I want to be able to experiment with light in the studio and outside. So, depending on the session and the day, I'll choose outside or in.

If you have any questions or are interested, make sure you drop me an e-mail. I look forward to "playing" with you!
And, of course, no post is complete without a picture:

PS: If you can't see the picture and you're in facebook, click "View Original Post" and you'll be taken to the actual blog where you can see pictures.



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