Classic Beauty
Hi Everyone,
It's be a while since I posted. I've been very busy with work and different things around the house. I did loads of projects this past week. I'm going to have hold off on posting pictures until I'm actually 100% done with the projects, but just to give you an idea of what I worked on: I painted my hand me down patio set (plastic spray paint rocks btw), stripped a dresser and end table, created an outdoor canopy for less than 50$ (quite proud of this one), painted the trim in our spare room (I'm seriously going to hurt who ever thought painting antique trim robin's egg blue was a good idea), and hung a bird house. I'm over halfway done with the projects and I think I should finish them all over the 4th.
I also spent a good chunk of the weekend working on pictures. I did all the beginning stages of working on seven different sessions. I have decided to post these pictures without touch-ups because I honestly don’t think the pictures need anything except a bit of color correction and smoothing out of various things. Hopefully after the 4th, I'll have six touched-up sessions to post. (It will be a post-a-thon between those sessions and my various projects!)
Enjoy the pictures!